Who Am I?

A big thank you to Semajay for being the next entry of Birds of a Feather! Semajay’s transparency throughout this entry literally BLEW my mind!
What am I doing? Where am I going? Who am I? Questions that I used to have for myself when I really didn’t understand the world. Questions that I had when no one loved or accepted me. When being myself was never truly authentic. I had questions just like everyone else. I was lost like my father was. I was blinded like my mother was. I was angry at myself like my peers were. . . all because I couldn’t figure out who I was as a person. But today I can say to you with confidence, that I am in fact, a Gay Black Male living in America. And I could not be more proud to say it. America isn’t all that great, but no matter where I am in the world. . . I will always be “that little gay Black boy”. I am more than proud to be Black, and I am just as proud of being gay. Even when I hated myself for it. Even when I received nothing but hate, and anger, and disgust, from straight Black men in America, fighting the same battle as me. Even with elderly Black women telling me that my soul will burn for an eternity in Hell. Even when I almost lost my relationship with my father. Even when I almost took my life.


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