Evil Awn

When my brother returned from a trip out to the family farm up in eastern Nebraska, it came as no surprise that their one-year-old black lab was tired and not himself. A week of constant running and playing with his canine companions would do that to the little guy. It was when he stopped eating that they figured something might be up. With a veterinarian in our family, they did not have to wait until the next day to try to figure out what was wrong with Loki.

She came over to their house and conducted a quick exam. He was running a bit of a fever, but nothing at a level that would cause this behavior. After her initial examination, she was fairly certain he had a stomach bug, assuming he ate something he shouldn’t have, and they just had to wait it out. The next day, however, he wouldn’t even leave his bed and could hardly lift his head, but was panting as though he had been running. Something was seriously wrong.


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