Gym Still Closed. Now What?

I know what you’re thinking. You are wondering what business I have thinking I can write about fitness. First glance at me, and most think that I do not even know what the inside of a gym looks like. I am not obese, but I’m definitely not fit. At least not since I hung up the hockey skates after my teammate’s blade nearly severed an artery in my neck. But how much longer can I use this pandemic as an excuse. I am back to belt hole number 4 again and we all know, the moment you have to switch your belt setting is the first sign that you’ve let it go too long.

I am still not sure what’s true and what’s not in the Covidsphere, but I know that I cannot get myself to go to the gym until I know it’s safe. So, what’s a nerdy, but enlightened fella to do? Answer: yard work.

I do not have the biggest yard, but it is big enough to know that…

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