Not So Cute

In my most recent article on gardening, I mentioned the importance of getting your family involved. And while I still wholeheartedly believe that to be true, the Kins Family recently had an encounter with a hostile creature disguised as an adorably fuzzy little caterpillar.

Lizzy and I were out in our flower garden cleaning up after a nasty storm. We have some large Sumac that we’ve decided to let grow over a portion of the garden to provide some shaded areas for those plants that only need partial sunshine. Lizzy brushed up against one of the branches and felt something crawling on her neck. She’s not afraid of insects landing on her as she practically lives outside in the summer. So, as she normally does in those situations, she brushed it away. She saw it land on the ground and got back to work.

A few hours passed and she came up to me complaining of a burning sensation on her neck. She then told me….

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