Oregon Trail

Rating: It’s Oregon Trail.
I travel back in time to revisit the old classic that inevitably leaves me dying of dysentery. Computer games have come a long way, but still have not topped having your wagon randomly catch on fire and the loss of all your worldly possessions and subsequent starvation of your entire family. Move over Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Trail is back.
Stop at cities and catch a charming glimpse into their rural past. Experience the odd dread of knowing a member of your team is sick, and they only thing you can do is rest. Make sure you’re stocked up on supplied.
Out there it’s just you, the frontier, and a couple of buffalo. Which make you feel horrible about shooting them since you can never carry it all back to camp. Also- just as a heads up, your wife is a terrible cook and you’re constantly dying of various food borne illnesses – so leave plenty of time for stops. 
And be sure to gossip. Probably the best thing about the classic is it’s rich and storied backdrop. Translation: There’s some history and the characters you run into are hilariously provincial.
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